
1) Rayleigh wave polarization
Example of usage: Cascadia OBS
2) Power Spectral Density and Probability (dbpsdpdf)

1) Rayleigh wave polarization analysis software used to determine the orientation of ocean bottom seismometer horizontal components. 
Download software.

Stachnik et al. Determination of ocean bottom seismometer orientation via Rayleigh wave polarization. Accepted, SRL, 2012.


The scripts are written in a modular fashion, processing one earthquake for one station at a time.  There are several accompanying wrapper and plotting scripts that can be used to display the results and calculate statistics from processing many earthquakes per station.

1) Extract waveforms containing surface wave arrival from db or other into ascii file t,z,n,e (
2) Run to determine azimuth (between 0 and 360) for highest correlation between Hilbert transformed vertical component and radial component (computed from two horizontal components and assumed azimuth).  Output of CSpolar is a file of time, azimuth, Szz, Szr, Srr, Czr, Czr2. 

Time: Not used
Azimuth: 0-360
Szz:  Zero lag amplitude of ZZ xcorr (see paper)
Czr:  Value from Eq.2
Czr2: Value from Eq. 3

3) Process many earthquakes.
4) Summarize results.  Calculate statistics, determine any azimuthal bias.
